contest make Arma not war

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nightovizard's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 12:39pm
Points: 1401
contest make Arma not war

Arma 3 has just started a contest where the winner will get 500,000$. The contest is about making a mod or gamemode that is not directly related to war, for example a racing gamemode or a zombie survival.

I thought about it and i think it would interesting to see a mod that adds the features that urban empire has.

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days
Joined: 05/12/2013 - 12:58am
Points: 9001
Their engine is amazing, this

Their engine is amazing, this task should be tackled by a team w modding experience for that piece of tech, etc. UE has a custom engine behind it, I can implement anything.

nightovizard's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 12:39pm
Points: 1401
Well actually they gave us

Well actually they gave us the tools for moding arma 3 already, but youre right skills and experience are needed, I could be able to help someone making amod, because i have some skills, but in no way, i could make an entyre mod all alone. But you, you have done games all alone, and if you have the skills, modding arma 3 is not that difficult. and now with this contest is the right momento, to try to make a mod for it, something different, a Mafia/gangster/bands gamemode simulator for Arma 3, that adds RTS elements sounds great, and indeed its posible on the arma 3 engine:

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

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