Art Style feedback, how the game can be improved

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HeadClot's picture
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Art Style feedback, how the game can be improved


I have read the background story briefly of Killing Horizon. From what I understand that this takes place on a series of fringe worlds.
I would highly recommend playing the games Red Faction 1/2 and Guerrilla.

So here is my take on what a rebel on the edge of space should be armed with.

Rebels -
Stolen / makeshift / hand me down weapons
Weaponized Mining tools
Weaponized Machinery (Heavy Lifters, Cargo Haulers, Technical's, etc. )
Explosives / IEDs

I would also encourage small towns or settlements be put into the environments to make them look more alive.

I also encourage an anti-Insurgency mode where the (Rebels) are tasked with defending several weapons/supply caches across the map.
While the Legion are tasked with destroying the weapons / Supply caches as well as all rebels defending them.

This is just my 2 Cents.

- HeadClot

nightovizard's picture
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Interesting, but remember

Interesting, but remember that the rebels stole legion vehicles and weapons, so if the rebels are going to have unique tools/gear/weapons, legion should too.

Yeah sure towns and settlements would make the map look less empty.

Nice gamemode, actually i have remembered a far cry 2 gamemode called sublevation. Basically both teams had to try to conquer 3 command points, and after these 3 are captured by a team they get disabled, and now the objective is to destroy it or defend it. If you can keep them you win, if the enemy destroys all them you lose. That, or it could have a reset so you can capture the command points again and repeat the proces until one team manages to keep these until the time counter is 0.

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

Dgreen02's picture
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Hey! Welcome to the forums.

Hey! Welcome to the forums. Yea, basically the different worlds allow all different types of environment settings to be possible.

1) Rebel Weapons- Interesting take on the rebels' weapons, in an ideal world I'd love to pursue that angle. Since I've self funded this whole project - I'm on a limited budget - so both teams basically have to have identical weapons. Hopefully with crowdfunding/publisher will be able to provide funds to make each faction truly unique - but I think we can create a fun game with what we've got now.

2) Towns - Yea, agree, again this kind of thing comes down to art asset production, and budget, etc. to have a varied amount of environment details will cost more than I've got budgeted now. I do have command points connected with roads, you're basically saying to have settlements or small towns scattered around in addition to that? I think it would be great, also I think once I finalize the new rock system I've been working on it will add variaty to the landscapes.

3) Gameplay mode - 100% agree! Great feedback, though I hope the dynamic of capturing and destroying and transporting the supply depot caches across the maps will be an integral part of the Battlefield mode's gameplay. That, and the Dropships.

Thanks for the feedback!

- Dan

EiEiO's picture
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I welcome z to z forums.

I welcome z to z forums.

The red faction games never heard of them how old are they? are they any good?

This is my signature.

Dgreen02's picture
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I remember them because they

I remember them because they had this amazing tech where you could tunnel/mine through any aspect of the level, IIRC, red faction took place in an underground mining colony and you could basically terraform your way around the corridors it was fucking brilliant.

nightovizard's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months
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There has been 4 red faction

There has been 4 red faction games so far until now:

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

Dgreen02's picture
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Ah, the tech is called GeoMod

Ah, the tech is called GeoMod, haha I wanna code it up in my engine :-}

nightovizard's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months
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You know? I want it too :D

You know? I want it too :D But i dont know what use could it have in killing horizon, or urban empires :/ well it is pretty much destruction, so if you see the oportunity to ad destruciton, that could become very useful.

By the way all the trailers: (wow the evolution it has had) (Oh I actually own this one! :D) (WTF? Aliens? Omg a tool that repairs destroyed things to its perfect state cool)

"Instead of making a game you hope many people will like, it's sometimes better to create a game you know a few people will love"

''My intention is not to create something that won't be hated; it's to create something that will be passionately loved''

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