2nd Vehicle- The Lead Sled!

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Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months
Joined: 05/12/2013 - 12:58am
Points: 9001
2nd Vehicle- The Lead Sled!

Hey guys,

I've got the 2nd vehicle into the game, a '50s Mercury, also known as the Lead Sled :-)

I have it setup so sporty vehicles get louder paint colors, also better handling [ 50+ parms tweakable via .xml file ], etc!

Early screens ...

- Dan

Dgreen02's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months
Joined: 05/12/2013 - 12:58am
Points: 9001
Here is another one ...

Here is another one ...

- Dan

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